As the sunshine kissed the flowers, butterflies come searching for their powers. With thousands of tulip’s, lilies and roses, there is a little flower that dozes. The flowers are shining bright for the swarm, but the little one is not feeling warm. Incredible is the scent of the flowers, whereas, the little one is still recovering from the showers. As the beautiful butterflies are nearing, all the flowers seems to be cheering,

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Understanding replication in PostgreSQL 12 Streaming replication in PostgreSQL works on log shipping. Every transaction in postgres is written to a transaction log called WAL (write-ahead log) to achieve durability. A slave uses these WAL segments to continuously replicate changes from its master. There exists three mandatory processes – wal sender , wal receiver and startup process, these play a major role in achieving streaming replication in postgres. A wal sender process runs on a master, whereas the wal receiver and startup processes runs on its slave.

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Prerequisite A custom domain e.g. . A Gmail Account e.g. [email protected] . Account on (free and open-source email forwarding service). DNS Management Add MX Records and TXT Records in your domain manager (e.g.,,, etc.) Note - You have to add these records to your current domain manager. Your current domain manager might be different from the one you purchased the domain.

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Facts About Blood and Blood Types Today I learned How Blood Type Is Determined & Details of four major blood groups Blood Types and Transfusion How Is The Blood Type of a Child Determined References -

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What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study and design of Intelligent agents, where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success [1]. Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals [2]. Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines [3]. What is Machine Learning?

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Introduction This is the beginners guide to Google Summer of Code (GSoC). The Google Summer of Code is an annual global program sponsored and managed by Google. The program focuses on bringing more student developers into open source project development. In this program, the students work with an Open source organization under the guidance of mentors (selected organization members) on a 3-month programming project in Summers. Table of Contents What is Open Source Why Should we Care How to make a contribution Difference between Open Source, Freeware and Other Softwares What is git and GitHub Version control systems What is Google Summer of Code Eligibility criteria Am I good Enough Benefits of GSoC Required Skills How to Start Selecting the Project and Organization Understanding the Project Drafting the Project Proposal Getting Selected Useful Links Terminologies What is Open Source The term Open Source means the source code of the software is freely available to its users, and anyone can modify it.

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Previous post - GSoC - Initial phase and getting selected First Evaluation I was very excited at the beginning of the project, as it is a whole new experience, especially for a student. So, I started working on the project in May. The starting was challenging as I choose Django as the framework which the project is going to be built on, I did so because it was most suitable as per the requirements of the project.

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Love Story


It all started with a pleasant smile, which left its imprint for a while. Then came the part of introduction, which lasted longer than the usual deduction. Our meetings started getting long and cosy, little did we know that it’s going to be rosy. The realization of it being love wasn’t late, and for us, it was quite an elate. With all this being told, let’s see where it goes,

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Previous post - GSoC - Selecting the project and organization Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. - Pele Understanding the Project As I’ve already chosen my project (Read the previous post), It was time to know it better and work for it. So, I studied the details of the project form the organization wiki page and got an Idea of what this project is about.

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I started working towards GSoC 2018 in the first week of February. It was then I decided that I’ll try to be a part of GSoC 2018. So, the first step in the process is the selection of a project/organization. Instead of selecting the organization I thought to go for a project of my interest, as in case of selecting an organization it is possible that the organization is doing something that interests us but their available projects don’t interest us much.

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